
Reinheldt R 3000 HPLC System

The Reinheldt 3000 System is the most advance modular HPLC system we can say here Most Versatile Modular HPLC system in our Reinheldt Products line and our most demanding chromatographer .

The Reinhedt R 3000 range Consists Of:



3) semi-preparative pumps

* With An   Aautosampler with a capacity of 120 samples and optional sample temperature control

* Column ovens and a range of detectors. Apart from complete automated PC-controlled configurations, the modular nature of the system also allows for independent operation of each unit of choice.

* The Reinheldt R 3000 System also offers advanced digital and analogue connectivity to enable maximum integration possibilities with existing HPLC systems.

* The Reinheldt R3000 HPLC Modular configurable system:

Is built as a modular configurable system. Each module of the R 3000 HPLC system can be used as a stand-alone fully functional unit or as integral part of a complete system. Whether you upgrade an existing system – also from other brands! – or choose a complete system, the extensive digital and analogue connectivity offers the user maximum flexibility to incorporate the Reinheldt  R 3000 series in the modern chromatography laboratory.

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